Delete The Uninstall Key For Normal Spotify App In Registry

Solution A:


Solution B:
1. In order to run this in KACE as a script start an Online-Shell-Script (script.bat) containing:
powershell.exe -nologo -executionpolicy bypass -noprofile -file uninstall.ps1

2. In Dependendies add 'uninstall.ps1' containing following PS-Script:
# set working directory
$CurrentLocation = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path;

The “Accounts” section opens to “Your Info” by default. Click the “Sign-In Options” entry on the menu followed by “Windows Hello PIN” listed on the right. This entry expands to reveal a “Remove” button. Windows 10 presents a warning. Click the “Remove” button again to confirm. Not that I want that, What I want to do is uninstall it. Its not shown in control panel, and not in Settings - Apps - Uninstall. If I log in to Windows as administrator its the same. I can't find a way to uninstall it. Logged in as administrator Spotify isn't shown in task manager. I made a search for.Spotify. In the left pane of the Registry Editor, locate the sub-key pertaining to the program or application you want to uninstall from your computer under the Uninstall key. Once you have located the sub-key belonging to the program or application you want to uninstall (it might not have the exact same name as the target application), right-click on it and click on Delete in the resulting context menu.

# end running processes
$RunningApp = Get-Process -Name 'spotify*'
If ($RunningApp) {
Stop-Process -InputObject $RunningApp -Force

Delete The Uninstall Key For Normal Spotify App In Registry By Name

# manually delete spotify for each user
$UserFolders = Get-ChildItem -Directory 'c:users'
ForEach ($Folder in $UserFolders) {
$WorkingDir = 'C:Users' + '$Folder'
If (Test-Path $WorkingDirappdataroamingspotify) {
Start-Process -FilePath $WorkingDirappdataroamingspotifyspotify.exe -ArgumentList '/uninstall /silent'
Start-Sleep -s 10
Remove-Item $WorkingDirappdataroamingspotify -Force -Recurse
Remove-Item $WorkingDirappdatalocalspotify -Force -Recurse
Remove-Item $WorkingDirdesktopspotify.lnk -Force -Recurse

# remove leftover listing in programs and features
$UserKey = Get-ChildItem -Path Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreRegistry::HKEY_USERS

Delete The Uninstall Key For Normal Spotify App In Registry Windows 10

ForEach ($Key in $UserKey) {
If (Test-Path Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreRegistry::$KeySOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallSpotify) {
Remove-Item Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreRegistry::$KeySOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallSpotify -Force -Recurse

Delete The Uninstall Key For Normal Spotify App In Registry Free

Thank you Channeler and kitco for your great help!