Squeezebox Spotify Helper App Not Running

Big news music lovers in Europe – Logitech has joined forces with Spotify® to support the popular music service on the Logitech® Squeezebox™ Touch or Squeezebox™ Radio Wi-Fi music players! This means that you can now access Spotify’s comprehensive catalogue of more than ten million songs, including your Spotify playlists, anywhere in the home.

Squeezebox Spotify Helper App Not Running Slow


Not sure about Synology but a few years ago there was a security issue with LMS on QNAP (and Netgear I think) NAS systems and they pulled the official app. I believe there were workarounds but I bought a Raspbery Pi for around £30 and run LMS on that now and it works very well indeed. Not sure of the spec of the PC. As it's had Vortexbox software installed on it (wiping out windows software on it) I'm not sure how to get this. But according to the bagde it's a Compaq Prestario with a Pentium 4 2.6Ghz. However the problem did still occur when not using the PC (just using the Spotify App on MySB.com). Squeezebox would show the next track's metadata 5-10s before it actually starts playing (whil the previous track was still active) Spotify's limitations apply: if you play music to your Squeezebox using Connect, you cannot listen to Spotify on your phone or any other Spotify Connect endpoint. Doesn't work with password protection on LMS. Exploring Squeezebox Apps. From Custom Radio to Music On-demand, Photo Services, Social Networking and more. Installing Apps from MySqueezebox.com. Click the App Gallery link above, find an app you like and choose the Install option to add it to your Squeezebox. SB3/Classic needs 24/96 to be downsampled server-side to 24/48 using the 'sox' app IIRC. That may be a CPU hog. Sqeezebox Transporter, Myryad MT100, Audio Analogue Paganini 24/192 REV2.0, Maestro Settanta REV2.0, Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage - Touch, Quad 34/306/FM4/CD66, Sonus Faber Concertino - Boom, Radio, Controller, iPeng, Squeezepad. Has anyone else been affected by the removal of Spotify capability from the SBT? If so, what have you done about it? I’m so far having no joy trying to install the Spotty plug-in, so I’m looking at other options. I’d like to continue using my SBT if possible as I’m happy with its performance. A nice side effect is that you can use your smartphones Spotify app to remote control the playback using Spotify Connect. That’s pretty cool. Unfortunately, I don’t use Squeezebox Server full time these days because I’m running a Roon streaming setup but I totally recommend you give this a shot if you do happen to have a similar Sqeezebox.

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Logitech Squeezebox Radio
Logitech Squeezebox Touch

To enjoy Spotify on your Squeezebox, all you’ll need is a Spotify Premium subscription, which in addition will give you CD-quality 320 kbps sound, offline and mobile access, as well as exclusive music content. Spotify is currently available in Finland, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the U.K. A test version of the Spotify app for Squeezebox Touch and Squeezebox Radio owners is available today in Beta form now at mysqueezebox.com.Faster
I am in the process of setting-up my Squeezebox Touch and have just installed the Logitech software from Home - Welcome to mysqueezebox.com!.
Are there any apps for using Spotify and also BBC HD audio with the Squeezebox?
I have looked at the Squeezebox Touch 'App Gallery' but there is nothing there relating to Spotify or BBC HD audio, although there is a listing for 'RadioTime' which looked interesting.
I'm new to using Internet Radio and streaming device and would welcome some advice as to whether it is possible to access Spotify and BBC HD audio with the Squeezebox Touch.