Spotify Free Vs Premium Reddity

Other than being an avid techie, one other thing that defines me is Music. I’m an absolute audiophile. Many like to make fun of the fact that my phone is home more than 2000 songs.

Spotify Free Vs Premium Reddit

While having all these songs on-tap is nice, the future is in Streaming and as such, I’m also big on music streaming. I have tried almost everything out there. For a long time, Spotify has been my go-to music streaming platform. But it is not officially supported in this part of the planet so I had to jump through a bunch of hoops to enjoy my favorite tunes but for a music junkie like me, it’s almost always been worth it.

But all that is changing. I am ditching Spotify for it’s closest competitor, well, if we’re excluding Apple Music of course, Deezer.

I wish I had a whole list of gripes that inspired my move but I don’t. These are just my personal experiences. Also, for the most part, these two music streaming Giants are comparable.

I'd definitely try both out with the free trials they offer (I'm pretty sure both have a 1 month trial, sometimes longer ones are available) One thing I should call out is that if you're going to be controlling it primarily with your voice, I have had much better luck with Amazon Music vs Spotify. More information about Spotify vs Apple music you can find on Wikipedia. Apple Music vs Spotify. Apple Music vs Spotify could be a tough comparison to enter into as both are the industry giants over the music streaming, and for good reasons, they both have created a giant and equally loyal customer base. Never the less, despite all.

Convenience for paying for monthly subscription

I know it’s probably not wise to admit this here but, I haven’t paid for Spotify. Not once. I’ve always been using these modded apps that mimic premium features, opening myself to security loopholes associated with these bootleg apps.

  • This subreddit is mainly for sharing Spotify playlists. Check out our wiki first. You must have a combined karma of 40 to make a post, and your reddit account must be at least 30 days old; this is to prevent spam and is strictly enforced.
  • Spotify and Apple Music offer nearly identical subscription packages. Both services cost $9.99 a month for individuals, $14.99 a month for families of up to six users, and $4.99 a month for students.

But I have been meaning to pay. I have tried to pay for Spotify for years. But since it isn’t officially available in my region, they can’t take my money, be it from my credit card or my PayPal.

Deezer on the other hand, is officially available in Kenya and many other regions. Paying for Deezer is as simple as opening a PayPal account, linking it to M-PESA, transferring the required funds and that’s it.

Deezer sounds so much better than Spotify on every earphone/ headphone

I know I’m not alone here. One song, two different platforms and many people can tell which one sounds better. And it is almost always in favour of Deezer. And I have listened to streams from premium accounts so I know it is not the mediocre quality supported on Spotify’s Free plan.

Local Playlists

I am not very big on local music. But safe to say, I have never searched for a Kenyan/ Tanzanian or any African pop song and missed it on Deezer. The same can’t be said for Spotify, although to be fair, the delta here is rather small as Spotify has almost any song you can think of.

Flow is just as good, if not better than Spotify’s Discover

One thing we can all agree upon, Spotify’s Discover Weekly is insanely good at getting you new songs you would have otherwise never known, but then they end up being you favorite songs. Deezer’s Flow feature is also really really good at doing the same thing.

Deezer’s new UI looks sleek

See, Spotify is kinda like Poweramp back in the day. Release after release, the layout remained virtually the same. While this is good for consistency and ease of use, you know, if it’s ain’t broke, don’t fix it; it gets boring really really quickly.


Deezer’s app for mobile used to be….ugly to say the least. But a few months ago, Deezer rebranded their app, complete with a new icon, a fresh coat of paint and the app looks good.

Google Assistant is supported on Deezer as well.

Spotify is a huge platform on Mobile. And as such, Google Assistant is fully supported. You can even set it as your default music player and as such, you can simply say ‘Okay Google, Play Sarah Bareilles’ and just like that, you’re jamming to heartbreak songs.

Spotify Free Vs Premium Reddity

I am not sure whether this has been available on Deezer for a while but it is available. You can simply say ‘Okay Google, Play Sara Bareilles on Deezer’ and you’re in business. Although I have to say, I have had Google Assistant drop the ball on Deezer a lot more than it does on Spotify. But you quickly learn to tell it how to play your music.

Deezer has a deep interaction with Shazam and SoundHound

One of the conviniences I love as a techsavvy audiophile, it is the ability to Shazam or use SoundHound to identify any song I hear. Be it in restaurants, in movies, even while commuting.


Simply Shazam a song, tap the three dots and open on Deezer. Add that to an album and later on I can simply kick back and jam to all these songs I have identified through the day.

It is such a simple thing that can easily be overlooked and Spotify just doesn’t do this well. Maybe it is because of the beef between Apple Music and Spotify now that Apple owns Shazam, or the fact that I can’t purchase premium on Spotify but I have switched camps.

I ran a poll on Twitter and obviously, most of you guys chose Spotify as your go-to. Free spotify app. But it is 2019 and these ‘underdogs’ have come a long way. If there’s ever a time to try out the alternative, this is a good time as any.


Deezer’s SongCatcher

While Deezer still plays nice with apps like Shazam and SoundHound, it also runs its own Song-identification service, SongCatcher. The service which is powered by ACRCloud, is now available for all iOS and Android mobile users across the world from within the Deezer app, irrespective of whether the account is Free or Premium.

Since the service is built into the app itself, it now allows for things like the ability to add newly identified tracks to your favorites and/or playlists within Deezer and for Premium users, the ability to immediately play saved and favorite tracks from SongCatcher


Spotify premium free apk mod. It's never been easier to listen to any music you could possibly fathom, no matter where in the world you are, but that doesn't mean the choice of how to do that is easy.

While alternatives like Pandora, Tidal, and Amazon Music exist and have their audiences, it certainly seems like the big battle right now is between Spotify and Apple Music. Spotify has offered a premium subscription for longer, but Apple has picked up considerable steam in recent years.

Which one should you actually use, though?

That's sort of a tough question to answer. Both services cost $10 per month, so it's not a simple math problem. The biggest differences between the two streaming juggernauts exist in the margins, so that's where we'll look as we try to determine who has the better value between Apple Music and Spotify.

What exactly do I get for $10?

The content offerings for the two paid services are remarkably similar. Spotify top 2019. For $10 per month, you get access to tens of millions of on-demand tracks from artists both major and obscure. You'll never hear an ad if you pay for Spotify Premium or Apple Music, either.

On top of that, you can make and share playlists, check out playlists other people have made, and browse official playlists curated by Apple and Spotify. Both services have radio features as well as algorithmic music recommendation, which we'll get into later.

On the surface, using both Spotify Premium and Apple Music is a remarkably similar experience. You'll be fed a bunch of hand-crafted and mathematically generated playlists up front before you most likely just go back to listening to the playlists you made again and again. As such, it's hard to crown a champion based on a bullet-point features list.

Discovery isn't just a Daft Punk album

One of the things that makes streaming services novel is the ease and quickness with which a user can discover new music on them. Both Apple Music and Spotify Premium can help you out here, but I think one service is a bit better than the other.

Spotify's 'Discover Weekly' playlist is one of the service's flagship features. Every week, Spotify will build a playlist of music you may not have heard but you might like, based on what you've been listening to. Spotify 60 day free tri8al. There's also 'Release Radar,' another regularly updated playlist that feeds you new music from artists you like.

Aside from that, the app will generate several 'Daily Mix' playlists made up of things you've listened to before. Apple Music also brings weekly new music and old favorites playlists, but it feels barebones by comparison. It's totally fine, but just not as good as what Spotify does.

Spotify Free Vs Premium Reddit

Both services let you browse by genre and mood, with themed playlists centered around holidays and whatnot popping up in both apps from time to time. This really does feel like splitting hairs, but I think Discover Weekly gives Spotify an edge over Apple in this regard.

What can I actually listen to?

Apple Music's iCloud integration is one department in which Spotify lags behind. Turn on the iCloud Music Library feature and you can sync any music you've put in iTunes on Mac or PC to all your Apple Music-enabled devices at once.

In other words, you can use Apple Music to listen to things that aren't actually available on it or any other streaming service. That's pretty awesome, and Spotify doesn't really have anything comparable.

In terms of native music selection, there doesn't seem to be a massive difference between the two. Chances are anything even semi-recognizable is going to be available either way, but if not, Apple Music can help fix that via iCloud.

Anecdotally speaking, Spotify seems to have somewhat looser restrictions on what people can put there. That means there seem to be more parody rap songs about Fortnite and other nonsense on Spotify, but Apple Music certainly isn't lacking in things like that, either. Still, Spotify gets some points for having more of a Wild West feel in terms of content.

Also, one minor point in Spotify's favor is the community playlist feature. It's fun to share a playlist with several people and build one monstrous collection of music without a singular creative vision.

Apple wins the cloud game, but what about device support?

In terms of pure volume, Spotify wins the device support competition pretty handily. Spotify has apps basically anywhere you can get apps, from Android and iOS to smart speakers, smart TVs and even the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It's hard to beat ubiquity.

Apple Music is no slouch in that regard, either, as it's available on Android and Windows PCs as well as Apple devices. Since Apple's hardware and software ecosystem is one big, happy family, Apple Music will work well for people who own and religiously use multiple Apple devices.

If you have an iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and HomePod, you might as well keep it in the family and use Apple Music with them.

What about the actual audio quality?

If you're not an audiophile, this one is easy to answer: It doesn't really matter.

Spotify Free Vs Premium Sound Quality Reddit

Apple Music and Spotify stream using different audio formats, and Spotify has nice quality controls within the app. That said, the difference is going to be negligible to most people. CNET performed a nifty test comparing the two and found that it shouldn't be a deciding factor between the two services.

If you are an audiophile, just subscribe to Tidal, I guess.

So who is the winner?

I don't think there's a clear victor in the value competition between Spotify Premium and Apple Music. All things being equal, I'd go with Spotify; I've already got years of playlists built up, the recommendation engine is better, and community playlists are a lot of fun.

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That said, there's a clear case for Apple Music. If you're the kind of person who has spent the past decade or more building up a massive music library on iTunes, there's a ton of value in the iCloud syncing feature. You could have all of your favorite music as well as anything you don't own that's on the streaming service, all on one device.

From an ethical perspective, it doesn't seem like either of them is particularly great for artists. Pretty much every major streaming service has come under fire for severely underpaying artists. If that matters at all to you, it might be best to just buy your music.

But if streaming is the way to go, Spotify is probably the better option for someone who is starting from scratch.