My Spotify Desktop App Never Works

  1. Find My Spotify App
  2. Spotify For Desktop
  3. Spotify Desktop App Not Opening
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Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs. Download the desktop app for Windows 7 and older. Downloading the app means you agree to the Microsoft Services Agreement and privacy statement. This software might also download and install its updates automatically. Open application in background. On close, keep the application running. Register Teams as chat app for Office. UPDATE: I have deselected the above options for auto-start, open app in background, and keep the app running, rebooted, and am still reproducing the error. If you are like me, then your phone is your go-to music control device. Whether I'm using headphones or a Bluetooth speaker, I use Spotify on my iPhone and rarely touch the desktop app.

Spotify is one of the most recent companies to help revolutionize the way that we listen to music. However, when Spotify’s otherwise handy online web player is not working, it can prove to be a huge disruption to your audio binge without the proper fix.

In a short number of years, Spotify has skyrocketed to the top of the online music market, competing with sturdy competition that’s been around far longer than this new player on the field. Like any good underdog story, Spotify had its beginnings as a relatively small application in European territories; it actually took a short while for it to come to the United States, and when it first did, it was only available on an “invitation first” basis. For those who’ve just begun using it in the past handful of years, such limited accessibility might seem like a fairy tale. The actual beginning of Spotify might seem just as fictional. During a drought in the music recording industry, several major recording labels bravely shoveled their entire catalogs onto the Swedish Startup that was Spotify. That was 2008. One glance at the Spotify of today will tell you just how explosive the journey in between has been.

As it stands now, Spotify is one of the most accessible music platforms that we’ve ever known. Signing up is easy, signing in can happen anywhere, and virtually any type of mobile device or computer can run a version of the Spotify client (or, more apt to our discussion today, use the music service’s online web player.) This breakthrough in accessibility has prompted changes from music applications that have existed and has forced new contenders in the app marketplace (Apple Music, anyone?) to take note of what Spotify has accomplished during its online reign.

Not everything has been smooth sailing for the popular application. Questionable history with regard to how well it results in music artists being paid has caused some friction between the service and the history. While the users have thankfully not been caught in the crossfire of such conflict, it has resulted in a few popular artists not allowing their music to appear on Spotify. However, even these instances have done little to diminish Spotify’s popularity; it’s simply too good of a service to pass up for most people.

Where Does my Web Browser Come In?

As I said before, part of Spotify’s almost supernatural success has stemmed from its widespread accessibility. Have a smart phone? You can get Spotify. Have a current-generation video game console? You can get Spotify. A desktop or laptop computer? Yep! Windows or Mac? Not a problem! In a very literal sense, Spotify has covered every avenue of the digital landscape with its service, and no matter the route that you take, that service is equally reliable–free access to a huge library of music, limited only by advertisements and play order. Or, you can pay a rather modest subscription fee ($9.99/month in the US), and have unlimited access to Spotify’s entire wealth of online music. To call it the most extensive library of tunes available today is still almost an understatement.

The most universally accessible quality of Spotify, however, remains its browser-based access. This feature can keep you from ever having to install the Spotify client on your laptop or desktop, and will also not limit you to what you can access. Your playlists, saved radio stations, saved albums and artists, and the rest of the information attached to your Spotify account will remain accessible within the web browser.

However, it becomes something of a dilemma when Spotify suddenly stops working in your web browser. It happens from time to time, and during Spotify’s earlier years, the problem could occasionally be isolated to the Spotify service itself. However, there are far more likely culprits these days, and almost all of them can be narrowed down to something occurring on your own computer (or, less commonly, with your internet service provider.)

Diagnosing Your Spotify Error

Before anything else, let’s narrow down the trouble. There are things you’ll be able to fix and things you won’t, and discerning which pool your particular problem falls into will save you some time (and hopefully speed you towards a resolution!)

First, look at what your web browser is trying to do when you use the Spotify web app. It doesn’t matter which browser you’re using; Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft’s Edge–they’ll all work relatively the same, and the solutions we provide in this article will work for each of them. Handy, right?

My spotify desktop app never works quotes

If Your Browser Cannot Connect to Spotify

If your web browser flat out cannot connect to Spotify–and you’re given a message telling you just that–a number of problems could be causing this.

  • Try loading other websites. If you’re unable to access any other sites at all, the problem is within your own internet connection or coming from your internet service provider (ISP). Try restarting both your computer and, if accessible, your modem and/or wireless router. Occasionally, resetting your hardware can remove bad caches from your online activity and free up your connection. After doing this, try connecting to Spotify and your other web services once more. If you’re still unable to connect, contact your ISP and report the problem.
  • If Spotify is the only web service you cannot connect to, then the problem could be slightly more nuanced. Are you connected through internet access at a business or other public or private place? It’s possible that a firewall could be specifically blocking your access to Spotify. It would require another guide entirely to walk you through firewall navigation, so let’s be grateful that guides already exist for both Windows Firewall configuration and Mac’s Application Firewall. This is less likely to be the problem, considering that you’re accessing Spotify through a web browser.
  • Flush the DNS on your computer. Most computers provide better internet service by caching addresses and web elements from frequently visited sites. This allows our internet to be artificially faster in ways that are independent of actual connection speed. However, computers can occasionally cache bad data that slows down or disrupts online activity. “Flushing the DNS” (domain name system) can remove such obstructions and let you get back to what you were doing (in this case, Spotify!) Here is an in-depth guide to flushing the DNS on the Mac and Windows operating systems in popular use today.

When your browser is unable to connect to Spotify’s servers at all, the above tips will help you to resolve any problems that are occurring on your end of that connection. However, you’ll sometimes be able to connect to Spotify, but will find yourself unable to play any music or see the interface at all!

If Spotify Won’t Load in Your Browser

While the above solutions might also help you to remedy the issue of Spotify not loading completely, there are a few simpler options that might save you the trouble of restarting hardware. After all, if your browser is, at least, connecting with Spotify enough to partially load the web player–say, a black screen that doesn’t display music or a loaded song that simply refuses to play–then the issue is more likely a problem with this particular browser, rather than your DNS or network hardware.

  • Delete your cookies. While this process will change depending on which browser you’re using, it’s always relatively simple and always found within your browser’s options. While cookies can be very handy (they typically track your access and login information on various websites), they can also cause unpredictable mischief when they pile up in your browser. And if you spend a lot of time in your web browser, pile up they will. Here is a quick guide to clearing your browser’s cookies no matter which browser you’re using.
  • Try a different browser. The next possible workaround that’s worth your time is to try using a different browser to access Spotify. My personal recommendations are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari though there are certainly others. While it is rare, it’s possible that one particular web browser just might not be interfacing well with the Spotify web client.
  • Make sure your browser is up to date. As a matter of fact, one of the reasons that you might be having trouble with your browser has to do with its release version. Whether you update your browsers through their respective software or through an antivirus program, an outdated browser can occasionally cause trouble for web applications that are frequently updated.

Find My Spotify App

While it can occasionally involve jumping through a few hoops, there’s no reason that you can’t diagnose most problems with the Spotify web app all on your own. The above resolutions are all fairly simple, and depending on the nature of the problem you’re encountering, there’s a good chance that one of them will fix it. Spotify’s web player is one of its most appealing, accessible features…until it stops working! If you have any other tips or tricks to apply an effective fix, leave them in the comments below!

Jul 19,2019 • Filed to: Video Resources & Tips • Proven solutions

Why YouTube is not Working on my computer?

When you are trying to access YouTube, whether it is on your Mac or Windows computer, you may encounter YouTube not working on computer problems. Some of these problems may be easy to bypass while others may be not. They could be caused by slow Internet connection speeds, issues with the browser, and issues with your computer and so on. The following are 5 YouTube not working on my computer problems and the solutions on how you can resolve each one of them.

Part 1. Troubleshooting on YouTube not Working Problem

#1. Add-ons

Sometimes you can have a problem with your add-ons when YouTube is not working. Though when you first accepted them for they seem like a good idea, after a while a collection of third party add-ons can slow down your browsing speed which in turn can slow down streaming speed. The simplest way to solve this problem is to open your add-on list and disable any you don't actually need. But if you install the iTube Studio add-on, you can download the YouTube videos and avoid any YouTube problems.

#2. Browser Compatibility

Spotify For Desktop

When you click a YouTube video on your browser but get nothing appears, you can check your browser for update. As we all know, YouTube updates more often, thus you need a newer version of your browser to run. In some cases you may have to just replace your browser entirely. If you do that, you should check your flash player and JavaScript. If either or both of these are terribly outdated, YouTube cannot work for the same reason as the browser.

#3. Network Connection

If the above YouTube troubleshooting not work, you can also check your internet connection and compatibility. Sometimes it's as easy as flipping a switch. Yet you'd be surprised how often we forget to look at something like that. It's really the equivalent to trying to fix your vacuum cleaner without ever checking to see if you plugged in it in the first place. So make sure you have got network connection and confirm that it properly supports YouTube site.

#4. Adobe Flash Player Update

Most of the video on YouTube needs to be played with Adobe Flash Player, except YouTube HTML5 videos. Adobe Flash Player is a web browser plugin. If YouTube not working on your browser, you can try to update your Adobe Flash Player to ensure the playback.

#5. YouTube Buffering Problem

You can experience this problem whether you are using a Mac or Windows computer. It prevents you from streaming YouTube videos quickly and consistently as you would like. It usually happens when your Internet connection is not good enough. It can cause even low quality YouTube videos to have choppy playback.

To solve this problem, you are supposed to do a number of things. First, you can shut down other applications that are consuming a lot of bandwidth on your computer. If you have any downloaders running in the background, close them if you want to access your YouTube videos smoothly without any interruption.

#6. Clear YouTube Cookies

Sometimes, YouTube can stop working because of issues with the browser that you are using to access the YouTube videos. If the browser has too many files, you are likely to experience the YouTube down problems.

To solve this problem, you are supposed to clear YouTube cookies and any other data from the temporary cache in the browser that you are using on your computer. By doing so, you will be ensuring that the web page is empty.

Alternatively, you can upgrade your browser as well as installed extensions. Make sure that you replace them with the latest versions. Shutting down any conflicting plugins in your browser can also help to solve this problem.

#7. YouTube Security Problem

While having a good security system or firewall on your computer is a good thing especially when you are accessing files online, it may end up blocking access to some YouTube videos. Having a firewall or antivirus secures the Internet and serves as a filter between the computer that you are accessing the Internet from and the Internet itself.

To solve this, you need to check if YouTube is among the authorized websites in your firewall or security tool. In case it is not one of them, you will need to add it to the list. Alternatively, you can install the firewall that you have installed on your computer to unblock access to YouTube and other websites.

#8. YouTube Uploading Problem

You might also get problems when you are trying to upload your videos to YouTube. This problem can be caused by the uploading limits that have been set by YouTube or by the strength of your Internet.


To solve the YouTube uploading problem, you need to make sure that the videos that you are trying to upload adhere to the strict limits in terms of size, length, format and so on. You may need to use a sound converter to make the video that you want to upload compliant.

#9. YouTube Sound Problem

This can be a very frustrating problem to experience when you are trying to access YouTube videos. The videos that you are accessing can be quiet, something that will prevent you from enjoying the ultimate YouTube experience. It could be caused by a flash player update or a simple error such as muting the sound on the volume slider.

To solve this problem, check the YouTube volume slider and make sure that it is unmuted. Then check the volume control button on your computer and make sure that the volume is not turned all the way down. If the problem is being caused by a flash player update, uninstall the new flash player that you installed and switch back to the old one, or try another better one.

If you are tired of experiencing the YouTube not working on my computer problems, you should consider installing iSkysoft Free Video Downloader on your computer. This application allows you to download YouTube videos for free so that you can enjoy watching them anywhere whenever you want without any inconveniences.

Part 2. Free Download YouTube Videos to Solve YouTube not Working Problem

iTube HD Video Downloader is a 100 percent free and safe solution for downloading any YouTube video to your computer to enjoy the convenience of watching them without being interrupted by ads, slow Internet connection and other problems. You can use it to download all videos in a channel, playlist or category. It provides you with a wide range of settings including shut down, exit program and sleep. You can leave your computer on to continue downloading the YouTube videos even if you are far. When the download process completes, the downloader will shut it down, exit the program or go into sleep mode.

iTube HD Video Downloader - Download YouTube Videos to Solve YouTube not Working

Spotify Desktop App Not Opening

  • It allows you to download any YouTube video with a single click.
  • It can download many videos at the same time.
  • You can use it to convert videos to any formats as well as devices.
  • It allows you to convert videos on the go.
  • It has a built-in HD player that allows you to play the downloaded YouTube videos.

Step-by-step Guide to Free Download YouTube Videos on Computer

Step 1. Install the free YouTube downloader

First, make sure that the program is installed on your computer, and then run iTube Studio.

Step 2. Download YouTube Videos for Free

After that, access and play the YouTube video that you want to download in your favorite browser.

1) A 'Download' button will appear in the browser once the video starts playing. Just click that button to download the video.

2) You can also download YouTube videos using this application by copying and pasting their URLs in its interface.

3) Use “Record video” button to open the recording screen that you can set to the video or full-screen and begin recording.